Library Entrance and Lobby
The present-day main entrance and lobby was created during the 1988 renovation project. Previously, patrons entered through the main door facing N. Main Street. Although originally a rear door, today’s entrance was the outside entry commonly used by family and friends. Note the large double columns, part of the porte-cochere. Visitors entered the house through the mullion door capped by an ornate hood. The original exterior door can be seen behind the circulation desk.
To the right of the circulation desk is the William B. Ruger Wing, built in 1988. The two oval windows seen in the picture below grace the north walls, the third oval window is a replica. There are six photographs of the original interior of the building in this wing.
A large double window and window seat overlooked these outside stairs and was situated in the doorway space to the left of today’s circulation desk. During the 1988 renovation this window was relocated to the front south corner.
The original kitchen and pantry occupied the area behind the circulation desk. Today this area serves as a staff workroom and administrative offices. The basement, which once housed the wine cellar, is reached through the work room.
Entrance Hall
The most predominant feature of this hallway is the cantilevered staircase and intricate woodwork which includes graceful columns, the fireplace surround, and door and wall moldings. When the library first opened in 1963 this area housed the circulation desk, and the front door was the main entrance. The leaded windows surrounding the front door were restored in 2007.

This picture, taken from inside the front door, shows the entrance hall as it was furnished when the Richards family lived here. Notice the two leather chairs under the stairway, which were embossed with the family crest. Settees were located on the southern and western walls, and at least one Richards child remembers sitting on the stairs and listening to adult conversations. Also note the wallpaper, used throughout the hallways, and the double window in the rear. A bathroom was originally located where the elevator is today.
Adult Reading Room / Oval Dining Room
The architectural features to note in the oval dining room include the fireplace and surround, the built-in sideboard, woodwork, decorative plaster ceiling and area above the paneling, and the curved windows. The ceiling area above the mahogany paneling was painted light green when the room was last used by the Richards family, and a green carpet covered the floor. The built-in sideboard and fireplace surround is original to the room. The bookcases were added during the 1963 renovation to create an adult reading room. Also notice the doorway in the west wall originally connecting to the pantry.
Children’s Books / Living Room and South Porch
Today this bright and spacious room is filled with bookcases to house the children’s picture book collection. There were only two bookcases originally- the matching built-ins along the west and south wall. The smaller bookcase on the west wall had glass doors. The more modern bookcases near the fireplace and the doors were added in 1963.
Be sure to notice the intricately carved moldings around the ceiling, fireplace, and the doors both here and throughout the house. At one time this room was furnished with a settee opposite the fireplace and scattered occasional chairs. A writing table sat in front of the bay window, and two chandeliers hung at either end of the room. Paintings adorned the walls, which Mrs. Rollins changed seasonally.
The room to the right which today houses youth fiction was an open porch. It’s wicker furniture and shaded location provided a cool retreat on hot summer days. The window is the double window originally located in today’s lobby area.
Children’s Nonfiction / Music Room
The northern front room was the music room. The piano occupied the corner opposite the window, with chairs set up for the audience. Musical interest flourished in Newport, which as early as 1815 was home to the Newport Instrumental Society. The Newport Band was organized in 1840, the Newport Cornet Band in 1860, and the Sullivan County Musical Association convention was held in the newly built town hall in 1873.
Young Adult / Den
This center room was the den, where the Richards family gathered informally to watch television, read and visit with friends. Notice the curved ceilings to either side of the fireplace. Originally this was a closed space, with built in bookcases.
The painting over the fireplace was done by Andre Chéronnet Champollion, whose picture hangs to the right. He was the son of Mary Corbin (daughter of Austin Corbin II) and Rene Chéronnet Champollion, grandson of Jean Francois Champollion, who deciphered the Rosetta Stone. Andre came to the United States in 1892 after the death of his mother. Although a naturalized US citizen, he fought for France in WWI and died at the Front.
Biography / Office
The area now housing the biography section was the office of Seth M. Richards and D. Sydney Rollins. The bookcases were added in 1963.
The Staircase
Sixteen steps and two landings connect the first and second floors. The balusters are of three different designs, and support the curved railing of this cantilevered staircase. The railings were created from two pieces of wood: a turned inner piece inserted within the outer piece before installation. The supporting column, added during the 1988 renovation, was constructed from an original column taken from the second floor landing. Take a look at the beautiful woodwork underneath the stairs.
Second Floor Hallway
Quick Facts: 6 bedrooms; 3 private bathrooms; 1 communal bathroom; 4 fireplaces; original wallpaper and lighting fixtures. From 1963 – 1968 the top floor was partitioned off to provide privacy for Mrs. Rollins.
Seth Mason Richards
Entering the second floor hallway, the portrait directly facing you is Seth M. Richards. He built this house in 1899, and his family lived here until it became a library in 1963. His main business concern was the proprietorship of the Sugar River Mills, at first with his father Dexter. Other interests include president of the First National Bank, trustee of the Newport Savings Bank, a director of the Northern and Connecticut Railroads, and president of the Newport Electric Light Co. and the Newport Improvement Co. He was a town treasurer and representative to the state legislature. He and his wife Lizzie Farnsworth had three daughters: Edith, Louise, and Margaret.
Dexter Richards
This large portrait of Dexter Richards, father of Seth, first hung in the original Richards Free Library. Dexter, born in Newport in 1818, was the grandson of the first Richards (Sylvanus) to live in Newport. The Richards family were farmers early on, but soon became successful merchants. Dexter built the Richards Block, the first Richards Library, and the Richards High School. He was active in town and state affairs, and in the Congregational Church, for which he purchased the organ in memory of his daughter Elizabeth. He married Louisa Hatch, and they had six children. Mr. and Mrs. Richards were highly respected by the people of Newport, and on their 50th wedding anniversary they received a golden casket containing the signature of every resident.
Hale Conference Room
This room to the left of Seth Richards’ portrait was the second upstairs room to be converted for library use. Originally a bedroom with private bath, today it is used as a conference room.
Established in 1972 in honor of one of Newport’s most famous natives, the glass cases house Hale memorabilia. Mrs. Hale was one of America’s most powerful women during the nineteenth century. Her books, poems, and editorials in the Godey Lady’s Magazine shaped the opinion of American women for forty years.
Posters for every Sarah Josepha Hale Award recipient adorn the walls. The Hale Award (given annually since 1956) is conferred on a literary person with ties to New England, and is based on their full body of work. Robert Frost was the first recipient.
This sitting room overlooking the Common was used privately by Mrs. Richards and Mrs. Rollins. No guests were entertained here, but seamstresses used the good light from the large window for sewing.
The wallpaper and period furniture are not original to the house. The clock to the right as you enter this room was purchased in England when the house was built. It stood in a corner of the downstairs hallway. This room could be closed off with the pocket doors.
Lowell Room
This was the first upstairs room to be converted after Mrs. Rollins’ death. William Lowell (1803-1872) was an early cabinetmaker in Newport, and the desk was made by him. Portraits of Lowell and his wife Jane Giles Lowell hang to either side of the curved window. The John Rogers sculpture was once located under the staircase in the main entry hall. For further information, read the sign posted on the door.
Yeomans Room
This room was created in 1988 in honor of David and Barbara Yeomans during the centennial celebration of the Richards Free Library. Mr. and Mrs. Yeomans have served the library in many important ways including numerous terms as trustees and major fundraising campaign chairpersons. Barbara and her first husband Raymond Holden formed the first Friends of the Library and established the Sarah Josepha Hale Award. It is clear that the library would not play the integrally important role in the Newport community without their leadership and support.
Sitting Area, Bathroom, Sleeping Porch
The present bathroom and sitting area was originally a guest bedroom. Today’s elevator was the bathroom. The door to the sleeping porch is to the left of the elevator. It was used in the summer only by the children, and held six to seven cots.
Tomie dePaola Room Master Bedroom
This room’s oval shape matches the dining room below. Note the fireplace and curved windows. Mrs. Richards’ bathroom and closet were on the wall to the right, and her dressing room was through the connecting door to the left. In 1985 this became the children’s story room. At that time the benches beneath the windows were built. One original Tomie dePaola painting and five signed posters can be seen on the walls.
Kenneth Andler Room
This former dressing room for the master bedroom, and then bedroom, houses the non-circulating historic collection. It is named after Kenneth Andler, who donated his personal library as a base from which this collection grew.
Mr. Andler was a library trustee, surveyor, lawyer, artist, writer and local historian. His paintings, picture and silhouette are displayed on the walls.
The bookcase near the connecting door is the Evan Hill collection, which was donated to the library in 2007. Mr. Hill is a journalist, educator, writer and compiler of the very useful “Chronology of Newport” which can be found on the town website. He was Mr. Andler’s very good friend.
The Richards family gave many costume parties in this third floor ballroom. The bench seat lids surrounding the chimney flue at one time lifted up for storage. When a Richards descendant recently visited this room, his first inclination was to try to lift the cover – that is where the play costumes were stored!
This room was restored in 2006. Note the original light fixtures, the musicians alcove and the cozy window seats. Today this beautiful space is used frequently for public and private meetings and events.
Be sure to look out the front window and enjoy the view of Newport’s beautiful Town Common. Look for the house almost directly across the Common with the triangular attic window. That is where Seth M. Richards lived before he built this house. Imagine watching the daily progress as this mansion grew to completion.
Teen Room
This was at one time a bedroom. Today this room is used for teen programs as well as small meetings. Before the renovation required the installation of a solid wall, another bedroom was located across the hallway, in the area of the present day elevator.
Library Arts Center
The carriage house of the Seth M. Richards mansion was transformed in to the Library Arts Center in 1967. The fundraising effort was led by Marjorie Dorr, and supported with a grant secured by the Richards Free Library trustees. The LAC opened with a main gallery, small stage, backstage gallery and art studio on the lower floor.
The goal of this organization has been to present exhibits which span the arts spectrum, from fine art to pottery, sculpture, photography, and woodwork, as well as literary and performing arts.
At first the LAC was only open during the summer months. Since the addition of a heating system during the 1989 renovation project the LAC has been open year round. School visits are common, and events such as the Soo-Nipi Quilters Guild exhibit have become annual events.
The LAC website at posts current exhibits, events and arts news. Be sure to drop in and view the current show!