2022-2026 FIVE YEAR PLAN
Mission Statement
The Richards Free Library strives to assist people in their search for reliable information, self-education, greater understanding, and intellectual enjoyment by providing a spectrum of materials, services and programs. The library also provides space for the gathering of people and ideas to enrich themselves and the community.
Discussions with community groups, in house patron survey, discussions with staff, building inspection.
The main areas of concerns are:
- Offer more programs and services
- Provide technology and training.
- Maintain building
- Reach out to the community
- Encourage reading and research
- Inform the public of what is available at the library.
- Increase staffing
These needs informed the following plan. All of the implementation suggestions are incomplete examples of ways to achieve the goals. They are meant to stimulate thought and discussion when working towards accomplishment of the following goals.
GOAL – Improve online education
Increase usage of online educational sites and library resources
Increase online literacy by providing workshops such as:
- Apollo class virtual by May 2022, in person when safe.
- Libby class by September 2022
- Hoopla class by September 2022
- Ancestry 101 by May 2023
- Local history research by May 2023
- Universal Class by September 2023
- Online job search by May 2024
- Resume & cover letter writing by May 2024
- Social media – for users and parents by September 2024
- Internet basic privacy training by September 2024
In order to provide these workshops we will need to find knowledgeable instructors and increase work hours for the Local History Librarian position.
Film workshops when able to do so in order to share on our website.
Offer some workshops via zoom with library staff using the screen-share function.
GOAL – Community Outreach
Make materials available offsite
- Target locations and organizations around town that might sponsor or display library books and materials. Possible locations: Little library offsite lending. Salt Hill Pub, Ruger, Sugar River Bank, Bar Harbor Bank. By December 2024
- Donate materials to community outreach centers. Possible locations: Recreation Center, Senior Center, Town Office, Airport Campground. By December 2025
- Continue offering delivery of materials to homebound patrons.
GOAL – Inform the public of library resources
Improve public media outreach
- Update website by December 2022
- Offer library brochures at Town Clerk’s office for new residents by December 2022
- Work with local radio station and NCTV to air book talk spots quarterly by December 2023
- Maintain advertisement of services, resources and programs in our email newsletter, Newport Times, flyers posted clearly in lobby.
- Continue good relationships with town organizations including BOS, LAC, Rotary, NCTV, Chamber of Commerce, etc.
- Maintain website and social media connections weekly.
- Update online events calendar monthly.
GOAL – Provide meeting space for services, groups and activities
Continue our already well received clubs, groups and activities.
- Launch party for new gaming collection in late Spring/early Summer 2022.
- Offer new teen programs by July 2023
- Requires another Youth Services staff member
- Collaborate with Tracy Memorial Library in New London and Abbott Library in Sunapee on programs and program presenters bi-annually beginning in 2023.
- Continue current book clubs and bring Books on Tap back when appropriate and safe.
- Continue Sunshine Stitchers, writers group, poetry group, story time and wiggle time.
GOAL – Increase giving opportunities
Make it easy and accessible to donate money to the library.
- Add online payment option for general donations, cat donations, and memorial/honor book donations by December 2022
- Display Library Giving Tree every December with books, craft supplies, and cat supplies on tags to be purchased beginning in December 2022.
- Create list of special fundraising days such as giving in honor of mom on Mother’s Day and Giving Tuesday by December 2022
- Update fundraising brochure by March 2023
- Advertise special fundraising days by 2023
GOAL – Maintain and add to financial assets
Continue to reassess the interest rates, money markets and federal grants and loan options.
- Add to NHCF endowments annually.
- Align salary increases with town salary increases annually.
- Take advantage of grant opportunities as they arise.
GOAL – Maintain building and property
Maintain pride in building and grounds
- Have electrician in to fix outlets by April 2022
- Conduct Shakes to Shingles building assessment by September 2022
- Priorities: Dormers, interior painting, enclosed side porch roof, LAC roof
- Have electrician inspect wiring on staff side of second floor by December 2024
GOAL – Provide technology
Maintain Hardware/Computer updates
- Change public computers from desktops to laptops by December 2026.
- Work with DHI Technical Services to track trends and updates for software and hardware needs.
GOAL – Provide great customer service
Encourage continuing education for the staff
- Share available general and department specific training with staff monthly.
- Continue to pay for attendance at conferences and workshops.
- Continue to pay dues for professional associations for MLS staff members.
- Have a meeting with teens/tweens to get ideas for programs and maybe a Teen Advisory Board by June 2023
GOAL – Increase Staffing
Increase staff hours and positions to support other goals
- Add part time Youth Services staff member by July 2022
- Increase Local History Librarian position to full time with benefits by July 2024.
- Increase Youth Services staff member to Librarian position full time with benefits by July 2025.
- Add hours for Outreach Coordinator, but keep part time by July 2026.