The Friends of the Richards Free Library is an active, voluntary community organization focused on enriching our library. Our primary role is to raise money to help fund items and projects that are outside the regular library budget, including:
Guest Speakers
Online subscriptions to:
– Ancestry.com
– The New York Times
– Zoom
Downloadable and streaming media/programming via:
– Kanopy
– Libby
Programs for children and teens, including the Summer Performance Series
The purchase of books, audio books, board games, and video games.
Funds come to the Friends through membership and donations, a significant part of which is provided by the “Limited Edition” donors—those donors who contribute at least $100 per year. We appreciate those who can afford to contribute at this level, and are so grateful for the time, effort and contributions of every member.
The annual Library Festival is our major fundraiser. Held on the fourth Saturday in August in conjunction with the Library Arts Center’s Apple Pie Crafts Fair, it includes a huge Book Sale, a Cookie Walk, and children’s activities. The Book Sale opens to the public at 9:00 am, but active Members of the Friends may take advantage of early admittance at 8:00 am for a first look at the amazing selection. While this event takes a lot of work, it’s also great fun. The opportunity to visit with old and new friends is what makes the Library Festival one of Newport’s favorite events.
Anyone who wants to be involved in our Library and our community will find lots of opportunities through the Friends. At 10:00 am, usually the first Monday of each month, we gather to help Library staff with whatever needs doing. From decorating for the holidays to assembling mailings for the Summer Reading program; from repairing games to hunting for lost books to the ever-popular shelf reading, we get to spend time in the company of Friends in this beautiful building and share a cup of coffee and something delicious when our tasks are done.
Fill out a membership application at the library, and for more information on upcoming events, follow us on Facebook or send an email to friends@newport.lib.nh.us.