We offer a number of options for downloading electronic materials at no additional cost to you! From e-books to magazines and newspapers to comics, we have something for everyone and no trip to the library is required! Just login to one of the services with your library card and start enjoying library materials from the comfort of your own home.
With a collection curated by local librarians, the New Hampshire Downloadable Book Consortium offers great resources through Libby (also known as Overdrive). You can download e-books, audiobooks and magazines, with wait lists on the most popular titles. At any given time you can have 5 materials on hold and 3 materials checked out. Sign up with your library card number on the Libby app or at nh.overdrive.com
Find movies, documentaries, foreign films, classic cinema, independent films and educational videos that inspire, enrich and entertain. While there is no limit for check outs, we do have an annual budget for this service and once that budget is depleted, the service will be turned off (historically this has happened in November). Be mindful of your check outs and enjoy! Visit kanopy.com to create your account with your library card number.
New York Times
Enjoy Complimentary Access to NYTimes.com. To activate your subscription, you’ll need to log in or register first. The New York Times requires that all users be over the age of 13.
Redeem 24 hours of full access to:
Comics Plus from LibraryPass
Gain unlimited simultaneous access to thousands of digital comics, graphic novels, manga, and picture books for readers of all ages. Every title is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for offline reading or checkout.
Once on the website, search for “Richards Free Library”, choose from one of the three collections and enter your library card number to gain access.