Newport’s Information Booth was busy during the summer of 1955! People from more than half of our United States made their way through the heart of town. Massachusetts led the list of visitors, followed by New York, New Hampshire, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Ohio, Illinois, Maryland, District of Columbia, Maine, Florida, Delaware, California, Michigan, North Carolina, Kansas, Nebraska, Georgia, Louisiana, Missouri, Oregon, Indiana, and Virginia. Four cars from both Ontario and Quebec also stopped for information. One inquiry was from an elderly lady and her daughter, seeking the house where Sarah J. Hale had lived. The elderly lady had spent many years researching Mrs. Hale’s life. A man from Philadelphia told Mrs. Inman, the Information Booth attendant, that he had made his first visit to Newport in 1887, with his parents. Another man was looking for someone who sold guinea hens. Some teachers requested maps and information to use in their classrooms, and another person wanted to know where to find a locksmith.
Newport Nuggets..Newporter Wins First Prize
Newport Nuggets….. The Sunshine Town!
Online Newsstand
Online Newsstand is back up and running with a slightly different format. You can read any of the 72 magazines online free with your library card number.
Newport Nuggets…. Andre Cherronet Champollion