3:30 pm - 4:00 pm
The library will host a monthly book club for primary school-aged students. On book group day, we will begin by eating a snack and walking through the pictures, reading the book aloud together, and then reading through silently or with our grownups, before coming back together to talk about the book and enjoy some imaginative play.
Registration will not be required, but if you are interested, we invite you to talk to Mo about joining in so we can have an idea of how many books to request, or to discuss what would be helpful to your child.
My First Book Group 3:30 read a beginning reader book together. We’ll have a snack, read, and discuss. Grownups are asked to stay. BOOK: The Bad Seed Goes to the Library
For more information, contact Mo at mchurchill@newport.lib.nh.us