Summer is around the corner!
It’s time to mark your calendars for June 27th for the kick off of the Summer Reading Program: Adventure Begins at Your Library! Mo is busily preparing activities and program to fill our warm months with fun! In the mean time, check out these events for May!
May 3rd- Kids Video Games, 4-5:00pm. Bring your friends and your favorite hand held video game, and join us for video games at the library! We’ll have our Nintendo Switches available for group games, too! This is just for kids ages 6-11 and their families.
May 6th-Let’s Crazy Craft! Drop in 1-6 pm. Let your imaginations run wild: Make anything at all with the supplies on the craft table! For families of all ages.
May 7th My First Book Group 3:30 read a beginning reader book together. We’ll have a snack, read, and discuss. This months book is Danny and the Dinosaur by Syd Hoff. Grownups are expected to stay
May 7th Chapter Chats 4:00pm We’ll start a chapter book together and discuss it! for grades 2-5, depending on reading level. This months book is Willa the Wisp by Jonathan Auxier. Grownups are expected to stay
May 9th Needle Felt! Kids Craft, drop in 1-4pm. For kids 6-11 and their families.
May 20th LEGO Day, Drop in between 1-6pm. Come build with our LEGOS! What can you build?
May 24th Newport Rec Play Group Story Visit, 10-11:30am at the Newport Rec Center down the road from us! Ms Mo will join the fun with some books to read aloud.
May 24th Kids Craft 1pm & 3pm – Suncatchers!
May 29th Kids Craft 1pm & 3pm – Shrinky dinks!
See you at the Library!