Festival 2022 was a huge success!!! It’s been a few years since the big tent went up, and we picked up where we left off. We welcomed old friends who look forward to this event every year, and they thanked us for returning.
The raffle winners are in…
Donna Y – the Wine & Chocolate Basket
Cathy R – Baby Quilt
David H – Graphic Novels
Bob E – Local Restaurant Gift Basket
Nancy W – Banned Books Basket
Deb R – Cord of Wood
Susan F – Dollhouse
The grand total raised today was $5,100.98!!!!! The breakdown is as follows:
Books $3,186.15
Café $325.50
Cookies $796.00
Friends $806.88
Children’s $37.45
Thank you to everyone who worked at the festival, baked, set-up, cleaned up, planned, and supported us. We have an amazing library, an amazing staff and a cadre of people who are committed.
A special thank you to Paula Johnson for being the person that makes this all come together year after year. You work tirelessly, and we appreciate all that you do.
A big thank you to Discovery Books for picking up the left overs from our sale!

The Friends of the Richards Free Library thank all who made our Book Festival such a great success. Special mention to Sugar River Bank and ProMania for their generous donations, and to all the volunteers who made it happen.
Coronis and Yoshi’s Markets provided water and ice to keep the Newport field hockey and football teams and our volunteers well hydrated!
Thanks to everyone who donated and bought books and made this community event something we all look forward to each year. See you on August 26, 2023!