Ms. Mo is under the weather today so Story Time is canceled. We hope to see you during Story Time at the Farmers’ Market on Friday!
History of Your House
In your genealogical search, you can find more help in the History section of our website. We now have a page called History of Your House. Uncover the history of your house by investigating its architecture, its people, and its place in history. You can find the page here. Email the library at if you have questions.

Squam Lakes Animal Program Kickoff is a Go!
Hello friends! We are still kicking off our summer reading program today! Sign-ups will start at 10:30, and the animal program “No Two Tails Alike” will start at 11:00am. We might have a few rain sprinkles, but we do have a great big tent set up on our side lawn to help keep everyone dry. We can’t wait to see you!
Annual Friends of the Richards Library Festival Canceled
We sincerely regret to announce that the Friends of the Richards Library Annual Library Festival has been canceled this year due to concerns regarding the COVID pandemic. Hopefully next year things will be back to normal and we can pack our book tents elbow to elbow with our faithful buyers!
However, along with the annual Apple Pie Craft Fair held on the Newport Town Common by the Library Arts Center, the library will be hosting author Melanie Kirkpatrick, author of Lady Editor: Sarah Josepha Hale and the Making of the Modern American Woman. Ms. Kirkpatrick will be on the Common from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM for a book signing (books will be available for purchase, supplied by Morgan Hill Bookstore). Stop by to say hello! From 2:00 to 3:00 PM, join us under the library tent for a presentation given by Ms. Kirkpatrick. Hope to see you there!