“Libraries, as they exist in the twenty-first century, are the only remaining public domain. In a library, anyone of any walk of life can come and go as they choose, and so long as they remain respectful of the space they can remain as long as they wish.” –Linda Stack-Nelson, The Last Free Space.
The Richards Free Library is the perfect example of the quote from Stack-Nelson’s article in World Literature Today. Anyone is welcome to use our space, our technology, our materials, and our staff’s knowledge. No purchase necessary! While COVID-19 has thrown some curveballs in terms of being able to use the library’s physical space, we are very much looking forward to opening up all of our space to the public again this spring.
Did you know that while we are partially funded by the town, the Richards Free Library is not a town department or agency? We are our own non-profit corporation and along with our appropriation of town funding, we fund parts of our budget from endowments, grants, and donations.
For every tax dollar invested in the library in 2021, we were able to return $3.28 in services to the community. From books and movies to public computer and Wi-Fi access, even during a global pandemic (or maybe especially during a global pandemic) the community saw value in our offerings and took advantage of them.

As of March 1st we are open our normal hours, with in-person programs and full access to community spaces including our study rooms and the ballroom. We hope you’ll stop by soon to browse for a book, meet some of our newer staff, attend a story time, or visit with Dexter and Minerva, the library cats!