The Richards Free Library has a brand new way to search for new books and authors you might like. Next time you visit our catalog, search for a book you have read and enjoyed. Click on the result you want read-alikes for (the physical book, or the audio book) and scroll to the bottom of the page. You’ll see a list of similar titles. Click on one to see why it’s recommended! Next you’ll see a list of similar authors. You can click on these too. If the book you searched for is part of a series, you’ll also see a list of similar series as well as all of the books in the series listed in order.
These read-alike features from NoveList are available for adult and kids for books and audio books!
If you find a read-alike you’d love that we don’t own, email us and we’ll request it through Inter-Library Loan.
Its like having a librarian in our catalog!
We’re very excited about this new tool! If you have any questions or need any assistance, please give us a call at 603-863-3430 or email us at We can’t wait to help you find your next favorite book!