Self Serve Interlibrary Loan is now available at the library! This will allow you to search for books we don’t have and request that they be sent here to Richards Library. You can access the site here, login with your library card number and library password, and start searching! The link can also be found on our home page under “find online”.
Stop-Motion Workshop Cancelled
The stop-motion video workshop and monster craft this afternoon has been cancelled due to staff illness. We apologize for the inconvenience! If you were really looking forward to this program, let us know and we will try to schedule something similar soon!
Books on Tap Book Group
For those of you that read this month’s selection, Daughter of a Daughter of a Queen by Sarah Bird, hope to see you at tonight’s discussion at the Salt Hill Pub in Newport, 6:30 PM!
Have you been thinking about joining a book group? We have three at the library.
Brown Bags and Books meets the first Tuesday of each month at noon. For November 5, they will be reading Silver Fin by Charlie Higson.
Wednesday Night Book Group meets the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM. This month they are meeting on October 16 and are reading Fly Girls by Keith O’Brien.
Books on Tap meets the fourth Tuesday of each month and meets at Salt Hill Pub in Newport at 6:30 PM. This month, October 22, they are reading Daughter of a Daughter of a Queen by Sarah Bird.
Copies of all book group books are available from the library, and you don’t have to have a library card to be able to check these books out.
Hale Award Winner Jodi Picoult to speak on September 28th

Jodi Picoult
September 28th, 8:00
Newport Opera House
Free Admission
For more information, please contact the Richards Free Library